It happened pretty fast. Over lunch my creative pal & talent behind Stories To Tell Your Friends busted out yet another great idea for her one-day-when-I-get-around-to-it web comic that left our entire group howling with laughter. And perhaps it was due to the new year looming around the corner, but we started talking about feeling we’d fallen short in some way with our personal creative expectations over the last year. (Ex: I hoped to shoot 12 rolls of film & didn’t even finish one.) By the end of lunch we’d made a promise to each other, and with only two days left until 2014, we forged new homes on the world wide web & vowed to share one thing a week in our respective artistic fields.
My challenge is to write six words and share (at least) two images once a week.
Sometimes creatives need a push. This is ours. (And perhaps it can be yours, too?)
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